Setting up recycling station tents, tables, signs, cardboard landfill cans and x-frame recycling bins.
Monitoring can/bottle recycling bins for proper use & changing bags.
Distributing & collecting throw donation bags with clear use instructions.
Collecting cans with special backpacks and/or off the ground with grabbers.
Moderate lifting of bags that weigh up to 25 pounds. Pushing a 100 pound cart on wheels.
Explanation of program mission & goals to the public.
Registering parade goers on recycling rewards platform.
Arriving: Biking, walking, carpool or drop off highly recommended! Roads along and across the route close sequentially about an hour before the first parade passes and stay closed until the city clean up is finished after the last parade when they open again sequentially. Parade float formation typically closes the road at Tchoupitoulas & Napoleon Ave. The combination of closures results in area that only has one entry and exit point ; “the uptown box”. The 1-10 exit and on-ramp at Tchoupitoulas is only guaranteed and traffic filled way in and out. It is recommend to park outside of the box and arrive as easily as possible to find close street parking.
Leaving: To exit “the uptown box” early use Tchoupitoulas going toward downtown and use 1-10 ramp. Expect delays.
Communication: Automated messages and updates will be sent through the Luma platform. Messages can be sent though platform to program coordinators should you have any questions.
Weather: The recycling program will follow the actions of the parading Krewes. If they cancel or shift times, we will do so accordingly. If rain, but no lightning is forecast and the parade will roll, program coordinators will make a decision about if throw donation bags can be passed as wet, dirty throws are not recyclable.
Safety: Any volunteer group under 18 years of age will require chaperones and supervision provided by the volunteering organization. Volunteers will NOT be asked to operate any trucks or heavy machinery or be in a moving parade.
Bathrooms: There are city provided portable toilets on Napoleon Ave & Louisiana. Certain station locations will have their own campus partners with portable toilets on site.
Arriving at Station: Please report to your station assignment on time. Be looking for a Recycle Dat! tent and someone in a yellow recycling vest to greet you.
During the shift: Volunteer coordinators will be at the station and walking the route around and able to answer any questions volunteers might have.
What volunteers should bring: Water bottle, backpack, rain gear, fully charged cell phone, comfortable shoes. Costumes are highly encouraged but not required 😀
What will be provided to volunteers: Neon vests, gloves, snacks and sparkling water.
Recycling Info:
Recyclable Throw Items: Beads, toys, stuffed animals & unused cups. Public can also hand in these items in their own bags.
Non-Recyclable Throw Items: Broken, dirty, wet or contaminated throws.
Recyclable Disposable Waste Items: Aluminum beer and soda cans, #1 or #2 plastic drink bottles, glass bottles.
Non-Recyclable Waste Items: Plastic cups, paper, cardboard, plastic #3 through #8, plastic bags, styrofoam, contaminated items, food.
Spectator Greeting: “Welcome! We are providing recycling services during the parades today. We have free throw donation bags and recycling bins here for aluminum cans and plastic/glass bottles.”
You can take the throw bag and bring it back any time to one of our stations during program hours or turn it year round at any donation point found through scanning the bag’s QR code. The program helps gives jobs to people with intellectual disabilities. No broken or dirty throws please! We are also accepting aluminum cans and plastic/glass bottles.
Parade Spectator FAQ’s:
What is Grounds Krewe? A non-profit with a mission to reduce waste at NOLA events.
Where do the throws go? ArcGNO Mardi Gras recycle center in Metairie where it provides jobs for citizens with intellectual disabilities. Recycling bag has link for city wide drop off locations.
Where do the cans and glass go? EMR scrap yard and Glass Half Full
Can I have more than one bag? We ask that you take one per group of 6 as supplies are limited. If you bring back a full bag we will give you another.
Can I turn them in after the night parade? No, sorry. Our initiative ends in the early evening. If you forget to turn in the throw bag, please bring it to any location found through the QR code link on the bag. Cans can be brought to your home recycling bin.